Best Photos of 2020 | Wedding Photographer Cornwall
Best Photos of 2020, where to begin? It’s difficult to sum up last year without sounding a little clichéd.
Usually, when I look back on 12 months of photography it’s a good chance to reflect, look back, and remember the adventures that happen throughout the year. But for many of us, life changed hugely and for some, we’re still adjusting. So as I started looking back on the weddings, music and family life that I have documented in 2020, it felt very different.
2020 started in a relatively normal way, I was able to photography one wedding and a night of live music. And then lockdown happened, and just as wedding season should have been getting going, I was rearranging dates with couples, in a world of uncertainty.
Lockdown gave me time to work on different aspects of the business, but the most rewarding part was the time we got to spend together as a family. Of course, I took lots of pictures at this time, have a look at my post: Lockdown in Cornwall.
It wasn’t my own family that I got to photograph either. 2020 saw me shoot more family sessions than ever.
Back to weddings… There were several weddings which got to go ahead in the autumn, and they were just beautiful. Wedding days that were filled with love hope & optimism. Days that people were never sure if they would happen.
With the restrictions on the number of guests allowed, the intimacy and time spent with close family gave couples more time to spend and enjoy the day with those closest. There was also a sense of achievement in finally being able to get married after the postponements and stress of rearranging. I noticed how stronger the love and emotions were on these days. It felt like a celebration for everyone involved that it did happen.
After all that 2020 gave us, what I can say is that I’m hopeful and looking forward to what this 2021 brings. And it’s fair to say that ‘Love Always Wins’.
Anyway, thank you for making it to the end and checking out my favourite pictures from 2020. Also, a big thank you to everyone that I got to work with this year and if you’re planning your wedding, get in contact or find me on social media.
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